Stop burning up your life In 2020
I help stressed out people like you
Upgrade YOUR
Brain's Operating System
Over your lunch break without monolithic effort
I wonder if you want to be calm now or would it be better to be at ease over your lunch?
I’ve named these online program categories to match concepts from my IT career to help you understand their purpose intuitively. As soon as you read these categories you’ll know which area you’ll want to go to work on.
Which phrase have you expressed most often: “Have you tried turning it off and back on again?” or “86 it and start over?”; both express the same concept that we can use on our brains: The Checkout. Perhaps when you watch streaming TV you disassociate from your life, go for the ride of the show, and then when it is over you might feel a bit reset, a bit more ready to re-engage with life, and in some ways feel like you had a nap.
Architecting Brain Resets programs create a guided experience, over your lunch time, that can be similar to a Check Out or a Nap, leaving you coming out the other side with your Stress evaporated so that you can have perspective when you restart your work activities.
Have you ever had a calendar that looked something like this? Monday go to work then go home. Tuesday go to work and then go home. Etc… Your current calendar probably is like this even now. This is simply a loop.
Our thoughts, often negative, at times will loop as well. Of this loop is super loud and disrupts our lives. Stopping our feeling and thought loops are like performing a Control-Alt-Delete in our brain and clicking the end task button. These programs can easily be completed over several lunch breaks.
In IT when software gets stale we create a patch and then release the newer greater application. Just like that programs in this category are like brain patches or new features, creating a brain upgrade.
The story I’ve heard is that when we are between the ages of three to seven we install all of our brain software. Now can you imagine just how many decisions and choices you made way back then, that protected you and kept you safe, back then, and yet today are perhaps a major part of what is holding you back as an adult? Architecting Your Greenfield Life is all about re-creating your life programing from the ground up allowing you to make adult choices about how you will run your brain software.
Step 2: Program Your Brain
Once you’ve found a program that matches what you are needing then you just click on the “Get Started Now” button. Because this is 100% online, you get to work on these programs at your own pace, perhaps over lunch, and you can gain all of their benefits as you progress through. Some of the lessons inside of the programs are only 30 minutes, and others are an hour. While a small amount are even longer, they are structured into pieces that can be consumed over multiple lunch times.
As you are picking up programs to participate in make sure you add the “Amazing and Powerful Tools” prerequisite course, so you can set up yourself for success in one to many programs. You simply only need to watch this program once to upload the needed knowledge for the other programs to be successful.
Every time you watch your program videos, you program your brain how you need it to be.
Step 3: Monitor Your Brain
Monitoring your brain and being in perspective of where your stress level state is at is critical. Just as you manage your project timeline, and schedule, you need to schedule in time for you.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “I couldn’t see the forest because I was too close to a tree?” When we are heads down working on projects we easily lose focus. It’s a good thing that you are an action taker because an any easy solution to this is to take a break from work and go for a short walk. Walk to the restroom and back. Make a lap around your floor. Go outside and find a walking trail. That change of focus will reset your mind.
Another way thing to monitor your brain is to see if there is anything about this program that isn’t working for you. I’d love to hear from you. In the program there is a lesson on getting support. Please make sure you follow up on that. I want you to get the value from this program that you are paying for.
And yet another way is to join our private Facebook Master Mind group. Again this is covered in the program about how to access it.
Brain Resets - Get Started Now
I don't know if you can feel that stress melting away and I promised at the start of this that I will install ease and calmness for you. To make that happen click now on the button below.
If you are not 100% satisfied that I'm offering a 30 day money back guarantee. Just let me know and I'll happily refund you.
But because I'm sure you'll be 100% satisfied I ask that once you agree with me that you are that you'll tell your IT co-workers and friends about this site.
So click the button now. I'll see you inside.
Get Started NowIt is a pleasure to meet you. At least in your online packet form. I believe together we can create the change you are looking for in your life. Be it dealing with the day in and day out stress of working IT, to dealing with negative self talk, or all the way to recreating your life from the ground up now that you know what you know as an adult.
Hi, I’m Scott Bechtel and I’d like to thank you for your business.
If you want to work with me One-On-One then schedule a free discovery session here.
NOW What Feeling Might You have Instead of?
(Touch or mouse over the feelings)
- Relax
- Serenity
- Relief
- Calm
- Peace
- Pleasure
- Confident
- Secure
- Fearless
- Happy
- Joyful
- Glad
- Confident
- Calm
- Brave
- Calm
- Peaceful
- Cool
Brain Interrupts - Get Started Now
You really should discover for yourself that you can change your brain loops today. Because you can right?! Click that Get Started Now button to throw an exception into your disruptive loops.
If you are not 100% satisfied that I'm offering a 30 day money back guarantee. Just let me know and I'll happily refund you.
But because I'm sure you'll be 100% satisfied I ask that once you agree with me that you are that you'll tell your IT co-workers and friends about this site.
So click the button now. I'll see you inside.
Get Started Now
Absolute Satisfaction Warranty For Programs
Try any of my online programs at any time, and if you’re not happy with it ask for a refund within 90-days and I’ll take care of that for you!
If for any reason you want to reach out to me then send an email to support (at)
Results may vary from person to person. We guarantee the very best service using current information and appropriate hypnotic techniques for your common situation. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not meant to diagnose or treat any disease, but rather it is intended to provide information, education, and motivation that will help to you live to your best potential and guide you toward being more effective in helping yourself.